Monday, August 25, 2008

On Time for Conference Call

Whether you’re the leader or just an attendee, you should dial in on the conference call at the scheduled time. Assuming you’re not a high-up executive who needs to show the world how important you are. You aren’t any more important than anyone else… so be careful of other people’s time, and get on the conference call when you say you will be on. If you must be late for some reason, email another participant and give them an estimated time for when you’ll be on the conference call. If you’re the leader, especially of a regularly-scheduled conference call, make it a habit to start on time. Stragglers will soon learn they should be on time if they want to know what’s going on. You can even give participants forewarning of your punctuality in the email invite to the call: tell them “the conference call is scheduled for 8 pm and begins promptly at 8:02.” Then keep your word.

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